In November 2019, Yuliya Voytenko Palgan together with Urban Sharing team went on a mobile research lab to explore the sharing economy in Toronto, Canada. The first output from this mobile research ls the snapshot on Urban Sharing in Toronto. It is based on the review of academic and grey literature, and 20 in-depth interviews with sharing economy organisations, municipal officials, researchers and knowledge brokers.
Read MoreOver the last three years, my colleagues, PhD and master students, and I worked to answer the questions of how city governments engage with the sharing economy, which governance mechanisms they employ, and which roles they play. We visited six cities including Amsterdam, Berlin, Gothenburg, London, Malmö and San Francisco. We conducted about 100 interviews with city government officials, politicians, urban developers, sharing economy organisations, knowledge institutes and think tanks. We organised three focus groups with people using sharing services and four participatory workshops with city government officials. All this data, input and feedback helped us develop a framework that identifies five mechanisms and 12 roles in which cities govern the sharing economy. To communicate our research results to city governments and other (primarily non-academic) audiences, we have created a series of short videos. This series consists of an introductory film followed by five films, each of which discusses one of the five governance mechanisms: regulating, self-governing, providing, enabling, and collaborating. We hope that these films will serve both as an inspiration and as a communication tool for municipalities developing their sharing economy strategies. We also hope they will be of use to sharing economy experts, activists and citizens seeking for a simple way to understand and communicate the roles that city governments play when governing the sharing economy.
Read MoreSharing and the City researcher Yuliya Voytenko Palgan was interviewed for the episode “Circular Resource Flows in Cities”, which is part of the IIIEE podcast “Advancing Sustainable Solutions”. Yuliya discussed sustainability challenges, which the cities are facing, and the opportunities, which circular, collaborative and sharing economy initiatives offer.
Read MoreMunicipalities may engage with sharing economy initiatives through collaborative mechanisms where both parties play active roles in the governance process. At least two city roles can be identified here: the ‘city as a negotiator’ and the ‘city as a partner’.
Read MoreMunicipalities may govern sharing economy organisations by enabling or disabling them. As opposed to the mechanism of providing, enabling relies on intangible means like persuasion, argumentation and incentives. This mechanism includes at least two roles: the ‘city as a match-maker’ and the ‘city as a communicator’.
Read MoreYuliya Voytenko Palgan together with Urban Sharing researchers Oksana Mont and Lucie Zvolska participated in the launch of the Handbook of the Sharing Economy, which took place in London, UK, on 25th of October 2019.
Read MoreMunicipalities can also govern sharing economy organisations by providing or withholding practical, material and infrastructural means. The mechanism of providing includes at least four roles: the ‘city as an owner’, the ‘city as a host’, the ‘city as an investor’ and the ‘city as a data provider’. This short film offers examples on how municipalities of Amsterdam, Berlin, Gothenburg, London and Malmö govern the sharing economy through provision.
Read MoreMunicipalities may engage with the sharing economy through the ‘self-governing mechanism’. Self-governing refers to the capacity of municipalities to govern their own activities. There are at least three roles to exemplify this mechanism: the city as a consumer, the city as a sharer and the city as a data user. This short film provides examples on how municipalities of Amsterdam, Gothenburg, London, Malmö and San Francisco self-govern the sharing economy.
Read MoreOn 10-11 October 2019, Sharing Cities Sweden organized a Sharing Cities Summit in Lund and Malmö with an exhibition on exploring the role of sharing cities in advancing the sustainable development goals. Over 175 participants registered and attended the event.
Read MoreIn many countries, city governments choose to regulate sharing economy initiatives. In the ‘regulator role’, municipalities use regulatory tools like laws, taxes, bans and policies to govern the establishment and operation of sharing organisations. Cities may use these tools both to constrain the sharing economy, or to help it grow. This short film provides examples on how municipalities of Amsterdam, Berlin, Gothenburg, London, Malmö and San Francisco regulate the sharing economy.
Read MoreWith increasing urbanization, cities now face numerous sustainability challenges: climate change, pollution, waste generation, resource use, social segregation, unemployment and poverty. To address these challenges many city governments work with a variety of different approaches, one of which is ‘the sharing economy’. But how do city governments engage with the sharing economy? Which governance mechanisms do they employ and which roles do they play? This is a series of five short films exploring governance roles through which municipalities engage with and shape the sharing economy in Amsterdam, Berlin, Gothenburg, London, Malmö and San Francisco.
Read MoreYuliya Voytenko Palgan presented her research done in collaboration with Simo Sulkakoski and Oksana Mont at the 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, which took place on June 28-29 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. She spoke about the Role of City Governments in the Sharing Economy. The abstract of her presentation can he found below. This research is also summarised in a new video series, which will be released each week until the Sharing Cities Summit on 10-11 October in Lund and Malmö.
Read MoreAn evaluations workshop for Sharing Cities Sweden was organised in Gothenburg on 28 August 2019. The purpose of the event was to revisit the evaluations planning at the start of the Sharing Cities Sweden, discuss progress on evaluations and lessons learned so far as well as present and discuss the development of evaluations summaries to draw out key findings from evaluations.
Read MoreSharing Cities Sweden is participating in the International Workshop on the Sharing Economy on 28-29 June 2019 through presentations and participation by Tove Lund, Charlie Gullström and Yuliya Voytenko. The event is a meeting place for researchers and practitioners working with the sharing economy in Europe and around the world.
Read MoreFor three weeks in May 2019 a group of engineering students from the University of Virginia collaborated with Lund University. The purpose of the collaboration was to work with Malmö Stad and Godsinlösen on improving their sharing solutions. The work focused on Smarta Kartan in Malmö Stad and the future car pool in Sege Park.
Read MoreIn April 2019, Sharing Cities Sweden published a synthesis report entitled Sharing Cities: Exploring the Emerging Landscape of the Sharing Economy in Cities. It captures the lessons learned and ambitious goals of the test-beds in Stockholm, Malmö, Umeå and Göteborg. The document contains articles on the journeys of the test-beds, a discussion of designing test-beds as urban living labs, insights into governing sharing cities, and an overview of strategic thinking on sharing cities.
Read MoreIn this podcast, launched in May 2019, there is a discussion on the sharing economy from a broad perspective, before elaborating on business models in the sharing economy, as well as discussing the possibilities and problems that come with sharing schemes
Read MoreIn the last decade we have observed an increasing number of people in cities around the world staying in other people’s homes using Airbnb, joining strangers for a ride with BlaBlaBla car, renting city bikes to run errands or do sightseeing, or even borrowing garden tools from a neighbour. Digital technology helps us connect with strangers and borrow their homes, cars, tools, clothes, accessories and toys. It also helps us offer items we do not use often for others to use.
Read MoreCollaboration between the Göteborg test-bed and Malmö test-bed on Smarta Kartan is underway. Smarta Kartan in Göteborg aims to promote access rather than ownership to people and visitors to the city. It highlights current and up-coming activities and networks throughout the city on the sharing economy. The City of Malmö is launching a Smarta Kartan on January 2019 to map sharing economy initiatives in the city.
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